How to Overcome Self-Doubt in Order to Trust Yourself in New and Deeper Ways

Feeling low on confidence is not an exclusive (or elusive) experience - it’s something each one of us humans will experience at some point in our lives. Many of us struggle even daily to tap into that inner driving force we once felt as children - a sense of creativity, curiosity, accomplishment, and pride that comes with innate confidence.

It’s easy to list on paper all the ways in which we are “successful,” and it’s often far easier for us to look to another person and list all the reasons they should be immune to self-doubt while overlooking our own. But, the fact of the matter is that self-doubt is a natural part of the human experience, and it is common (and, again, natural) to view self-doubt as an internal struggle that holds you back from pursuing your dreams or reaching your full potential.

With the right mindset and strategies, we can each learn to better navigate feelings of self-doubt and start to reclaim a sense of self confidence. 

Identify the source of your self-doubt

The first step in overcoming self-doubt is to identify the source of your doubt. Self-doubt is often a defense, or safety, mechanism our mind puts up to protect us from failure, rejection, and mistakes – anything your brain might interpret as “unsafe”. 

When you feel self-doubt, what is your mind reacting to? Is it a fear of failure? A lack of confidence in your abilities? A past experience that left you feeling inadequate? Once you understand the root cause of your self-doubt, you can begin to address it more effectively by challenging those negative thoughts and beliefs.

Challenge negative thoughts

Self-doubt often stems from negative thoughts and beliefs about ourselves. These thoughts can be deeply ingrained and may not be based on objective truth. We all have an inner dialogue that we use to communicate with ourselves — but sometimes, it's not very kind. In order to overcome self-doubt and boost your confidence, it's important to take control of your inner voice and make sure it's saying empowering and encouraging things. If you catch yourself engaging in negative self-talk or making pessimistic assumptions, pause and reframe those thoughts into something more positive.

It’s helpful to have some of these positive truths, reframes, and affirmations on-hand for times like these. Often, when in the middle of feelings of self-doubt it’s hard to truly and deeply believe that you really can turn off that negative inner dialogue, so having a list of your favorite truths about yourself on your phone or in a notebook is incredibly helpful.

Practice self-compassion over self-doubt

Self-compassion is the act of treating yourself with kindness, understanding, and acceptance. It means acknowledging that you are human and that everyone makes mistakes. Instead of beating yourself up for your perceived flaws and failures, practice self-compassion by speaking to yourself in a gentle and encouraging way.

Surround yourself with positive, supportive people

Having a supportive network of friends and family – a community – can be a powerful tool in overcoming self-doubt. Seek out people who believe in you and your abilities, and who will lift you up when you are feeling down. These people can provide valuable perspective and help you see your strengths and potential.

Set realistic and exciting goals, and take action

Sometimes the best way to overcome self-doubt is simply to take action. This means stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying new things, even if they scare you. Taking action can help you build confidence in your abilities and prove to yourself that you are capable of achieving your goals.

It's important to recognize your successes along the way. Once you set a goal, break it down into smaller achievable steps and make sure to reward yourself with each accomplishment. Celebrating and acknowledging your accomplishments can lift your confidence and help boost your motivation in order to keep achieving more. Getting affirmation from friends and family is also beneficial, so don't be afraid to ask for support when you need it!

Focus on (and celebrate!) your strengths

One of the most effective ways to overcome self-doubt and boost your confidence is to focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses. Take some time to carefully consider the qualities, skills, and abilities that you have. These might include things like being a good problem solver, an empathetic listener, or clever thinker. Once you have identified your strengths, think of ways that you can use these traits to your advantage in different situations. For example, problem solving skills could help you tackle difficult tasks at work.

Be generously kind to yourself

In addition, try to talk to yourself with kindness. One of the most damaging things that you can do is to pick out your own flaws and shortcomings—or for that matter, compare yourself to others in an unfavorable way. Negative self-talk can have a major impact on your confidence, so it's important to practice being gentle and understanding with yourself. When you start to doubt your abilities or feel down on yourself, remind yourself of all the good things that make you who you are.

Choose daily to believe in yourself

In order to combat your inner doubts and build a strong foundation of self-confidence, it's important to believe in yourself. Instead of trying to combat your own doubts and worries with someone else’s opinion, try focusing on the things you know you are capable of. Take time to make a list of your positive attributes and strengths - this is how you will know for sure that you have what it takes!

Yes, self-doubt is a natural part of the human experience, but it doesn't have to hold you back. By identifying the source of your doubt, challenging your negative thoughts, practicing self-compassion, surrounding yourself with supportive people, and taking action, you can overcome self-doubt and achieve your goals. Remember, you are capable of great things, and you deserve to believe in yourself.

Chana Lockerman