Therapy for Depression

Feeling sad, irritable, disconnected, or tired?

Depression takes many forms and can look different for each person who experiences it. We’re here to support you in building your toolkit and increasing your functioning!

We’ll start by getting to know you. We’ll ask about when the depressive episode started and how depression symptoms are impacting your life. Even more importantly, we want to get to know you as a person - who you are, what you like, what you’re good at. You are far more than depression. You are a whole person, with strengths and skills! We find your strengths and build on them so that you can take the steps toward relief. It may feel impossible, so take it from us that depression is treatable!

Our strengths-based, person-centered approach means that we see you as a whole person and not just a cluster of symptoms.

Schedule a free consultation and we’ll talk about how our approach fits for you!